“The ocean splits us into two continents far away, and the river/water connects us again while being present in front of Lanesboro Stone Dam. The memory from the past is flashed back and blurred when time passes without knowing. But the similarities within the love and care from the family are there when a new life comes the way. Even though the memories are blurred, the invisible solid support of the family continues to connect without separation, borders, and limitations.” 

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Part of Artist Books Collection at Minneapolis Central Library

Ongoing project

  1. Artist Book: 11x11x0.5-1 in, 48 pages, color, riso prints, hard cover with letterpress, hand-sewing pages, 30 limited editions


Medium into the material and back into becoming another medium. Photography and the photograph bridge their countless reflections, intentions, and personal memories to bring something back, namely the impossible security of being a contemporary Native Taiwanese woman — An offspring of dying Indigenous People (Kavalan) populated more by old amateur photographs than those living today.




︎ Photobooks
︎ Prints

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Wen-Li Chen is a Taiwanese-born, Saint Paul-based interdisciplinary artist, arts administrator, and graphic designer. Wen-Li is moved to encounter and present intergeneration, dwelling, and inheritance through oblique poetics, vulnerable histories, enduring relationships, and personal experiences. Her artwork often takes the form of books, photo essays, photography, videos, found objects, and installations. Wen-Li has shown her works internationally and nationally.